Embracing Open Source: Tips for Getting Started and Making an Impact

Embracing Open Source: Tips for Getting Started and Making an Impact


Open source software has revolutionized the world of technology, empowering individuals and communities to collaborate, innovate, and create freely. Contributing to open source projects is a fantastic way to enhance your skills, make meaningful connections, and give back to the community. In this blog, we'll explore some tips to help you get started on your open source journey and make a positive impact.

Start with Your Interests

Find open source projects that align with your interests and passions. Whether it's web development, machine learning, or design, contributing to a project that excites you will keep you motivated and engaged.

Choose Beginner-Friendly Projects

Look for projects that explicitly welcome beginners and provide guidance for newcomers. Platforms like GitHub and GitLab often tag issues as "good first issues" or "beginner-friendly," making it easier to find a suitable starting point

Beginner-Friendly Influencers

Harkirat's YouTube Channel: Harkirat Singh, a renowned YouTuber, offers insightful guides for beginners venturing into open source contributions. His tutorials and tips provide valuable guidance, demystifying the contribution process and empowering newcomers

Kunal Kushwaha: Kunal Kushwaha has played a significant role in introducing open source to the Indian student community. Through his educational content, Kunal not only explains the fundamentals of open source but also shares his own journey of securing a job through open source contributions, inspiring and guiding aspiring developers

Open Source Programs

a. Google Summer of Code (GSoC): GSoC is a prestigious program that offers students the opportunity to work on open source projects under the mentorship of established organizations. It provides stipends and invaluable learning experiences for participants.

b. Major League Hacking (MLH): MLH hosts hackathons, coding challenges, and open source initiatives, fostering collaboration and learning among student developers worldwide. Their events and resources create a vibrant community of open source enthusiasts.

c. Linux Foundation Mentorship Programs (LFX): LFX Mentorship offers mentorship opportunities for developers to contribute to various open source projects. It provides guidance, support, and networking opportunities to help participants make meaningful contributions.

Familiarize Yourself with the Project

Before diving in, take the time to understand the project's goals, guidelines, and community dynamics. Read the documentation, study the codebase, and explore the issue tracker to gain insights into the project's scope and needs

Start Small and Build Momentum

Begin with smaller tasks to familiarize yourself with the project's workflow. It could be fixing typos, improving documentation, or addressing simple bugs. Starting small builds confidence and allows you to learn the project's development process gradually.

Engage with the Community

Join the project's communication channels, such as mailing lists, forums, or chat platforms. Introduce yourself, ask questions, and seek guidance from experienced contributors. Building relationships with the community will enrich your open source experience

Learn from Existing Contributions

Study existing code contributions and pull requests to understand the project's coding style and best practices. Pay attention to feedback given to other contributors, as it can provide valuable insights and help you improve your own contributions

Follow Contribution Guidelines

Every project has its own contribution guidelines. Read and understand them thoroughly. Adhering to coding conventions, commit message formats, and testing procedures demonstrates professionalism and increases the chances of your contributions being accepted

Collaborate and Seek Feedback

Participate in discussions, offer feedback on issues and pull requests, and engage in code reviews. Collaborating with other contributors fosters a sense of community and allows you to learn from experienced individuals

Be Resilient and Learn from Rejections

Not all contributions will be accepted right away. Embrace feedback and learn from rejections. Use those experiences to refine your skills and improve your future contributions. Open source is a learning journey, and perseverance is key

Reasons to Contribute to Open Source

  1. Learning Opportunities: Contributing to open source projects exposes you to real-world coding scenarios and challenges, allowing you to enhance your technical skills. You can learn from experienced developers, understand different coding styles, and explore new technologies.

  2. Building a Portfolio: Open source contributions provide tangible evidence of your skills and expertise. By showcasing your contributions on platforms like GitHub, you can create a compelling portfolio that demonstrates your abilities to potential employers or collaborators.

  3. Networking and Collaboration: Open source communities are filled with passionate and talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. By engaging with these communities, you can network with like-minded people, collaborate on exciting projects, and establish valuable connections within the tech industry.

  4. Making a Positive Impact: Contributing to open source projects allows you to make a meaningful impact on software development and the wider community. Your contributions can improve the functionality, usability, and security of popular software, benefiting users worldwide.

  5. Peer Recognition and Appreciation: When your contributions are recognized and appreciated by the open source community, it can boost your confidence and motivation. Positive feedback, appreciation, and being acknowledged as a contributor can provide a sense of accomplishment and encourage further growth.

  6. Skill Development and Problem-Solving: Open source projects often involve complex problem-solving tasks. By contributing, you can sharpen your problem-solving abilities, learn to debug code, and gain experience in handling real-world software challenges.

  7. Access to Cutting-Edge Technologies: Open source projects often adopt the latest technologies and frameworks. By contributing, you can stay up-to-date with industry trends and gain hands-on experience with innovative tools, enhancing your technical expertise.

  8. Career Opportunities: Open source contributions can open doors to exciting career opportunities. Employers often value candidates with open source experience as it demonstrates collaboration skills, adaptability, and a passion for continuous learning. Your contributions can serve as a strong differentiator in job applications and interviews.

  9. Personal Growth and Learning from Others: Working in open source exposes you to diverse perspectives and ideas. By collaborating with experienced developers, you can learn from their expertise, receive feedback, and gain insights into best practices, fostering personal and professional growth.

  10. Giving Back to the Community: Open source is built on the ethos of sharing knowledge and giving back. By contributing, you become part of a global community that thrives on collaboration and collective improvement. Your contributions help others, and in turn, you contribute to the sustainability and growth of open source software.

  11. Conclusion: Contributing to open source projects offers numerous benefits, including learning opportunities, portfolio building, networking, making a positive impact, and access to cutting-edge technologies. By engaging with the open source community, you can grow your skills, establish valuable connections, and contribute to the advancement of software development. Start your open source journey today and embrace the rewarding experiences that lie ahead.

Job Prospects and Career Growth

Open-source contributions offer unique advantages in terms of career growth. By actively participating in open source projects, you showcase your skills, build a portfolio, and establish connections with industry professionals. These experiences can significantly enhance your job prospects and open doors to exciting opportunities

Share Your Experience

Document your open source journey through blog posts, tutorials, or videos. Share your learnings, challenges, and success stories. By sharing your experiences, you inspire and encourage others to embark on their own open source adventures


Open source contributions provide an incredible platform for beginners to learn, collaborate, and make a real impact in the tech community. With influencers like Harkirat Singh and Kunal Kushwaha providing guidance and platforms like GSoC, MLH, and LFX Mentorship, aspiring developers have numerous opportunities to get involved and grow their skills. Embrace open source, leverage these programs, engage with communities, and embark on an enriching journey that will shape your career and contribute to the thriving world of open source